Here's your basic solar oven recipes for vegetarians...
Take a lightweight solar stove outside with you to your garden and have at it. Just like in the following video!!
I know I cheated using store bought veggies. I was
lazy that day! Harvesting directly from your garden will improve the taste, the nutritional value and your well being.
Click on the arrow in the middle of the photo below, TWICE. This short three minute video shows you all of the details of this simple and tasty recipe.
You might prefer an even easier and quicker preparation. Just throw all
of the ingredients into the pot at once. No pre-cooking of the onions
and pepper. Drizzle olive oil or Italian Dressing over everything for a seasoned sauce.
In the case of using raw ingredients, I'd suggest using a sweet onion instead of a red one. You might also stick in a thinly sliced red bell pepper . Gee, now that I think of it, ANY veggie combo that you liked steamed will work here.
When you see steam condensing on the inside of the cooking bag, your meal is ready to enjoy!
Your favorite slow cooker recipes will work in this solar stove. The cooking temperatures are almost identical to a crockpot on "high", the cooking just as carefree...and this is much more portable!
Keeps the heat out of your kitchen, too.
I seasonally frequent U-Pick Berry and Fruit farms. If it's sunny, I'll pre-pack the dry ingredients for a cobbler or some such. Upon arrival, I'll quickly pick enough of whatever to stick in my cooker to bake in the sun. After my harvesting is done, there is a hot, sweet treat to feast on and maybe share.
Some farms are sharp enough to sell ice cream at check out. That would be Heaven with your baked fruit!
You'll be preparing your brown rice or quinoa with a second solar stove out in the sun alongside your main dish for your evening meal .
I'd like to know more solar oven recipes for other healthy meals!
Vegetarian Diabetic (are there many?) Resource
Another Useful Diabetic Link